The DNA of a city

Optical art vistas on my doorstep at night . . .

I am lucky enough to live slap-bang-wallop in the City of London. And from my balcony I have an ever changing night scape of optical art. So much for energy saving light bulbs and and the ever decreasing energy reserves on this earth - when it comes to city commerce and the investment banking world - they pay to keep shining all night long! How long will that last - I wonder . . . ?


Vintage vista - a lost view of Bunhill Fields

Time stopped still one February snowbound morning. . . .

It was Valentines Day and this passing view captured life and death. The contrast between the children’s footprints left in the snow from a running game of snowballs chasing around a tree . . . to the silent undisturbed snow covered graves behind the wall in the cemetery next door.

The scene is a favourite of mine - Bunhill Fields in the City of London. This view is no longer visible unfortunately. A passing image of London life as it once was from 1960 - 2016 when a school and its playground was sold by a London council for property development.

Thankfully residents and local action groups helped make Bunhill Fields a protected World Heritage Site.
Sometimes - unless you cherish and care for it . . . you just don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.

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